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AI Virtual Assistant

AI Virtual Assistant

Relying on virtual image technology, 3D modeling technology and deep learning technology, and with the help of APP, small programs, large-screen integrated machines and other terminal display forms, it provides users with infinitely close to real people's consultation, explanation, customer service, guide and other services

Product Description

Real-time conversations with virtual assistants through text or voice. The virtual assistants will provide users with professional consulting services in one question and one answer. This solution can deeply empower
culture, medical, government services and other fields

Program features

Through speech animation synthesis technology combined with natural language processing, speech synthesis and other technologies, a virtual assistant that can speak interactively in real time is created to make voice question and answer students "live"

Service Content

Change on demand, provide customized AI virtual assistant services!

Product moduleImage customizationFunction configuration
01 standard sdk
Simple development, integration with the user's existing APP application, realizing visible virtual human interaction
02 Deep learning sdk
Through the cloud rendering push streaming method, the device hardware requirements are solved, and the deep learning virtual person solution closest to humans is realized。
03 Offline big screen
The overall software and hardware solution of large screen machine developed by Silicon Group Intelligent Technology, realizes the solution of 3D digital human with higher precision and deep learning simulation human with fake and real. Restore the effect of real people to the greatest extent, enhance the user's visual and interactive experience。

Application scenarios
